
Hardtack good for dieting?

Hi yall, wondering if anyone has tried using hardtack for dieting. I've been cutting down on what I eat a lot but I struggle with overeating during small meals because I don't feel full. Part of the problem is likely how fast I eat, but I hate eating slowly. I think hardtack will help me to eat slower due to having to sort of naw at it, and be a good way to satisfy my appetite without actually eating a bunch of calories. I checked the nutritional information and it isn't too bad, even if you salt it. Has anyone tried to use it this way? Thank you for any advice :)

Also I think I met the word count but I'm going to write this bit here just in case. Hopefully it will go through this time

submitted by /u/WonderfulFinger7324
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

