
Weight gain

So I've been having a lot of trouble the past 2 weeks with my weight. I'm so demotivated to go gym. I've alot of stress . 1st off being relationship issues. Not sure where to go from there. Second, I work a full time 60 hr job. I'm the only provider for my household at the moment. I used to go ym agyer work bit recently because of all the stress I've been eating unhealthy then beating myself up over eating rubbish then feeling crappy about everything. I look at myself in the mirror and think how ugly I am, how fat I am like I'm not good enough. I've always had issues with my body which stems from abuse from when I was younger. I did get help for that trauma but it has still left me with issues so please don't say I need therapy. I want to lose weight to look and feel better as I've yo - yoed back and forth over the last few years. I want to do it right. I want to lose a stone and a half ( anymore would be a bonus ) . I want to get back to my pre baby weight . I just feel so down and can't find a way out. I hate the way I look.

submitted by /u/AdventurousTry1833
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

