
Those last few lbs are going slow but my BF % is dropping

I've lost 25kg /50 lbs (ish) in the last year and I am within 2kg of a healthy BMI.

A month ago I decided I would go hard on the diet before my holiday next week. I planned to reach a healthy BMI and then eat what I want on holiday.

Even though my calorie deficit has been pretty good (4500 kcal a week so I'd expect roughly 0.6kg/week loss) I've been losing slowly, around 0.3kg a week. At the same time my body fat % has been dropping pretty quickly, faster than usual.

Is it possible that I'm accidentally body recomping or is this some form of plateau that will break at some point?

submitted by /u/CharteredWaters
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

