
How do y’all stay motivated when your husband and kids eat like shit?

I want to lose about 28 pounds and I started 3 weeks ago and I fell off the wagon a few times bc my husband and daughter do not eat healthy. I don’t feel like I have the right to force them or control their eating habits but it’s making it difficult on me. My husband and daughter are in a healthy bmi so they aren’t worried.

But I caved in because I see them eat good food and I ended up eating a whole box of ice cream for dinner one day and I ate a bunch of chips and other process foods and I gained the 2 pounds I lost.

How do you guys practice self discipline with food if everyone else in your house eats terrible? (They aren’t going to stop eating this way either)

submitted by /u/transphobicliberal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

