
What if my calorie calculator tells me to eat below my BMR (not my TDEE)?

Let me preface by saying I know the differences between TDEE, BMR, surplus, deficit, etc.

Now, I am a 5'6 Male, 197lbs, roughly 34% bodyfat, 23 years old. I plugged in my stats into the Katch-McArdle calorie equation (Sedentary activity level) and got my TDEE : 1,973 cals, my BMR: 1,644 cals and my deficit (losing ~1lb/week): 1,473 cals.

The calorie calculator is clearly telling me to eat below my BMR. Is this safe?

Finally, I'd like to leave one of my favorite poems here for no reason at all. Maybe it will speak to whoever you are deep inside:

The Man in the Glass by Dale Wimbrow

When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.

For it isn’t your father, or mother, or wife
Whose judgment upon you must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.

He’s the fellow to please – never mind all the rest
For he’s with you, clear to the end
And you’ve passed your most difficult, dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you’ve cheated the man in the glass.

submitted by /u/GuiltyWank
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

