
Staying on CiCo during my trip to NYC, tips?

August 1st we fly to NYC, from Amsterdam. I'm doing CiCo for a month now and doing so great on it that I don't want to let myself go while traveling. We will be in NYC till August 16, so pretty long time and probably will eat out a lot. We probably will be walking a lot as well and I want to get in some sports through Class pass.

I just need some tips on how to not gain everything back from when I started. Even maintaining those two weeks in NYC would be awesome! How to eat out more on the lower calorie side? It's my first time in the US/NYC so I really don't know what I can do or not in restaurants.

Help this girl out!

Btw we are staying in DUMBO

submitted by /u/vlinder88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

