
Going to approach my eating as stimming behavior

So while researching binge eating, I fell into a rabbit hole connected BED and individuals with ADHD or autism. Now I'm not diagnosed but have had some behaviors that others feel could fall into either category.

So I started researching stimming behaviors and why they function they way they do. I came to the conclusion that maybe the reason I keep failing is because I'm using food for a stimming function.

I looked up a list of healthier stimming behaviors and I'm going to try to do them whenever I feel the impulse to eat for no other reason other than to eat. I'm hoping one of the will satisfy the compulsion.

Maybe it will help, maybe not. But I'm going to experiment to see.

Anyone else try to approach their compulsive eatong this way? Was it a success? Advice.

submitted by /u/fucking_hilarious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

