
Unbearable Cravings!

So I’ve been trying to lose weight for about a month now. I started losing 30lbs from 195 to 165, then going up and down between 155 - 165. Now I am trying to get down another 30 to hit 135lbs. This would put me at an ideal body weight for a female who is 5’3. I may not have to worry about weight anymore.

I have lost almost 15lbs in the second half of my total weight loss, but it’s been a very difficult journey.

The worst part about it is dealing with the insatiable cravings to binge and eat whatever it is that I find right at the moment. I will watch someone having pizza and I will crave Dominos. I will watch someone eat ice cream, and I will want to rush down to Cold Stone. I could see those ever intrusive food ads on my phone or on TV and it’ll be all I think about for the longest time. I want nothing more in this moment than to just gorge on the things I miss. So far I’ve been hanging in there, but the temptations get harder and harder every week.

How do you handle dealing with cravings when they are so intense, they’re on par with intrusive thoughts?

submitted by /u/-PristineEmergency-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

