
First time having to lose weight and

I am a women 29 years old 5’4” and I’m 130 pounds trying to lose weight with my boyfriend (not even a ton my goal is just 10 pounds)

My one friend from harvard told me that men and women lose weight the same exact way told me the more calories I cut out the faster I lose weight. For three months my boyfriend and I have been eating literally the exact same thing about 650 calories per day (sometimes even less) and he has lost weight and I haven’t really lost much more than 2-3 pounds (and it just sticks in one area) while he lost 10. Same amount of physical activity (we go to the gym together), we both skip breakfast and lunch since my one friend is convinced that doing that will make me lose weight. (He is 210 pounds.. well now 199I meal prep I use scales and measuring cups and write down everything from the oil I use to cook it literally everything. I didn’t eat I really can’t see what I’m doing wrong. And no secret snacking either I put everything down. I had a total of 2 cheat days where I ate 1200 calories which is still technically a deficit.

I explained that to my “friend” in which he concluded I am not counting my calories right which even if I wasn’t my boyfriend lost that weight. He told me it was theoretically impossible I wasn’t losing weight which he tells me in and out it’s “science”.

Is there ANY explanation or am I just not doing something right there?

However! I recently (a little over 2 months) started a new method where I don’t skip meals, and I eat a total between 900-1200 calories per day and the calories are coming off at a little over a pound a week. Which with my old diet it was circling over the same 3 pounds (131-128) Which I explained to my friend and he still doubts I was counting calories right with his method, tells me there is no difference between men and women losing weight or fat storage, and metabolism doesn’t matter. Is that right it’s hard to doubt him because he is VERY smart.

Does anyone have an explanation for this? I’m curious.

submitted by /u/daydreamnine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

