
Calories out are important

Ive been in very bad binge week. I was so stressed.

I went to grocery store and bought snacks even if I was full. When I was going back to my home I’ve met my friend with rackets 🏸

He showed me his racket and I agreed to play. We played like for 30ish minutes. I was so tired and so done in the end. I was so sad that I can’t even move my body much. But I’ve lost this binge urge and went to shower and sleep after.

I remember when I was thinner I used to do HIIT 1-2 times a week and it was enough for me to follow my diet and have a good mental health. Bonus point: When you are that tired you can only drink water. I had soda but it felt so disgusting.


submitted by /u/whatissocute1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

