
Okay I'm sure a lot of you are aware of these miracle weight loss scams. I want to disprove these scams to some people.

I don't know if this is the right sub to post this on but please forgive me if it isn't I did see a similar post here that is why I am posting here.

I am part of a Whatsapp group that post ads for things they want to sell. Everyday there is one person posting this miracle weight loss oil on it, and it's really starting to annoy me cause I know it's fake.

I called them out on this and said they are faked which they replied it's not and would like me to talk to one of their successful clients. So I did. I asked the "client" which is now part of their company after successfully losing weight. I asked a few questions to which they answered but also kept advertising their product whenever they could. At the end of our conversation they were visibly angry at me.

Anyways I am getting derailed. What I am looking for is proof to disprove their product. I would apricate it if someone could send me a few links or something so I can dissuade people from buying it.

submitted by /u/SuicidalGaint
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

