
I’ve angered someone by losing weight

I’ll say this now, I’m not intentionally losing weight for weight loss alone, I’m doing it for joint mobility (I have osteoarthritis). So I am avoiding sugar, minimal wheat, joint exercises, supplements , plenty of vegetables etc. The sugar and too much wheat tend to make the pain worse.

Another parent who’s child doesn’t get on with my child did a double take when I was in the supermarket talking to my ex (Probably because the weight loss is quite noticeable now) Started making really strange comments before dashing off. We ended up looking at each other saying “wtf was that about”.

Two days ago, she starts cat calling me with her friends from across the street. “Ohhh look at you” then they walk off.

This woman is 42. I’m 44. I thought I left all this behind 30 years ago at school. Lol.

I did the autistic thing and ignored them because I couldn’t process the logic behind their behaviour processes.

I am not thin. I’m about 160 pounds. 5”4 so I am still classed as overweight. I was about 210 pounds.

Any idea how to handle this?

submitted by /u/VixenRoss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

