
How much weight did you lose on saxenda?

I recently started seeing a dietician and a workout advisor recommended by my doctor. The requirements to get saxenda paid by my insurance is that you’ve been seeing the dietician together with the workout advisor for 3 months or more.

I just started so I cannot ask for saxenda yet but I know someone who takes saxenda and she lost a lot of weight. She basically just eats anything but in moderation but she also goes to the gym (cardio) 5 times a week.

I’m looking for more people with experience taking saxenda.

Online I read that people can lose up to 5% of their body weight.

I’m wondering if anybody had lost more than 5%?

What was your starting weight and how much did you lose since you’ve started taking saxenda?

Once I reach the 3 months I will ask my doctor.. as of now I’m just doing research.

submitted by /u/NewDegree2640
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

