
will this small effort help in weight loss and staying healthy in general?


im 20F, 59kg and 159 cm. i dont have a lot of time on my hands as im about to be full time working and studying part time in university. im wondering if this quick lil exercise can help me in my weight loss and general health:

running on my treadmill at 12kmh (7.45645 mph) for only 3 mins, twice a day (before work and after work).

how will this benefit me? will it even benefit me? ive tried those 5min HIIT videos on youtube, and they kill me. i think being on the treadmill is more enjoyable for me.


edit: i forgot to mention that the above isnt the only cardio I do, i do a little more by walking 3km to and fro from work every work day (5x a week). so 6km a work day. this has been my regular routine for a while now, just wondering if the 3min run on my treadmill would help.

submitted by /u/limauice0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

