
when to eat... help?

I need help. I recently started a job that has me getting up at 430am. I work a few hours in the early morning then head home to homeschool and SAHM the day away. The problem I am having is figuring out when to eat. If I eat something before work, I need something when I get home and my lunch is then at like 10am. But I stay awake until 10pm. So I still have 12 hours left and only a small dinner. I keep my meals about 400 calories. That is a long time left in the day. And I feel starving. Plus being at home most of the time makes it hard to resist snacking. If I wait to have my first meal after I work, that means going from 430am until 10am before I get to eat. And I am also starving. How can I fix this? I feel like I am awake way too long to be able to do intermittent fasting, but if I could figure out a good time window I would be willing to try it. I cannot eat or snack while at work, although I could potentially eat on my short commute. I am feeling so confused how to handle this and I am failing staying on track everyday.

submitted by /u/NotTheJury
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

