
What makes it difficult to lose weight for you guys?? (++ my own story)

Hey guys, this is my first Reddit post, so forgive me if I format it weirdly.

To share my story, I was always obese from a very young age. I was always the kid with a round face and double chin in yearbook photos. I was pretty tall, but I never worked out during my childhood. I was >210 pounds during elementary school, reaching about 290 pounds at the end of high school. I've tried countless diets throughout my life but could never capture long-term success.

The turning point was my high school graduation for me. Watching everyone with beautiful dresses and suits while realizing I made promises to myself but never kept them stimulated me to lose weight. I didn't want to let myself down.

My strategy was simple: only eating between 12 am and 6 PM and drinking water or diet coke outside those times. Around 9 PM was the hardest point to break for me, so I would go to the gym at that time and do some cardio to lose my appetite(I feel disgusting after cardio, so I can't eat anything for like an hour). Another strategy was to eat lots of low-calorie density foods such as onions, chicken breasts, egg whites, and so on while drinking >1L of water every meal. In return, I urinated a lot but felt full after each meal.

I probably am making it sound too easy, but this was a drastic lifestyle change for me. I used to order food 24/7 and take lots of snacks, and changing all those habits while also working out was challenging. On those days when my weight went up, I felt stressed the whole day.

Despite all that, I was somewhat successful, currently standing at ~220 pounds. Still, I have a long way to go (I have been returning to my old patterns for several months now), but I think I know how to approach this game directly.)

On the other hand, I also want to know what makes it difficult for you guys to lose weight and how I can help you if any. The journey of losing weight is very challenging, and I completely understand the frustration and loneliness behind it. I would love to hear your guys' stories and understand this problem better.

Thank you, and I hope everyone who reads this has a beautiful day!

(Also, if you guys have any questions for me, feel free to AMA)

submitted by /u/Negative-Ask3614
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

