
What happens to my body if I’ve been eating 900-1000 calories for 2 months and suddenly eat 2000 ish calories one day?

Hi all, I’m not sure if this is appropriate to post this here but I’ve (f24) been dieting for about 2 months and initially my calorie intake had been 800 and gradually increased it to between 900-1000 calories for the last 3 weeks.

I understand that some people will find it unhealthy but I’ve lost about 9kgs and have been tracking my macros eating lots of protein.

So today it was my anniversary dinner and ate about 2000 calories. I’ve been keeping consistent with my diet leading up to this day and will continue to eat my 1000-1200 calorie diet until I reach my weight goal. I have a pretty active job on top of my eating where I do about 10000 steps on average.

But I guess my question is how will my body respond to this sudden increase in calories? Will it affect my hormone levels? Will my body not metabolise the food and turn it to fat? I’m just curious how my body will react tonight.

submitted by /u/depressedstrawberri
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

