
Unsure how to tell my partner I need to lose weight

I (26m) have been dating my partner (25f) for 6 years. For 3 years I was working a job that made me very stressed and picked up very bad eating habits. I left the job, but I am still somewhere around 80lbs overweight. I want to lose weight so that I am healthier. She also likes to do out doors things and losing weight would make that easier.

However I am very anxious about telling her. She is a pretty normal weight, and mine is high. So my weight causes me a lot of confidence issues (that I hide). I am very nervous about explaining to her that I need to lose weight. Especially explaining that I think my eating habits need to change most of all.

Tl;dr how to tell girlfriend I need to lose weight.

submitted by /u/Mundane-Wheel524
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

