
Has anyone had any experience with weightloss after gallblader removal?

After several ER visits and hospital stays, I was told I need to have my gallblader removed. Additionally, I have always struggled with my weight and have been from overweight to obese.

I also have IBS and I keep reading about what happens and how people live after gallblader removal. One thing I stumbled upon are discussions about weight where most websites would say people should be losing weight after the removal and then actual people saying its impossible to lose weight after gallblader removal.

I am in a bit of a panic mode before the surgery. Will I gain even more weight? Is it going to be impossible to live a normal life? While I am obese now, at least I was able to eat tasty things, but not being able to eat tasty things AND being obese is a bit of a nightmare.

Has anyone had any experience with weightloss after gallblader removal surgery?

submitted by /u/Grinsa_The_Weaver
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