
ADHD is making this much harder

So in 2020 I (20M) was the lowest weight I have ever been in most of my teenage years. I lost the weight because I was in a bad place (but also somewhat in a good one?). I remember most of that year I just didn't talk, not to friends, family, hardly to anyone online. I was forgetting to eat and when I did eat I didn't have much of an appetite. However I eating alot of healthier foods, making some really good decision in the kitchen, the little time I was there. I didn't feel like I was starving myself, when I was hungry, I ate. I just was rarely hungry. I ran every morning, not for long but just to stretch my legs and start the day.

Fast forward to now. Somewhere along the line, I was making money for myself but also more stressed about home life and whatnot. I ordered food often and made poor decisions in the kitchen. And now I've become the opposite. I've become food focused, all day I think about what I want to eat, I CAN'T forget about food anymore. And now I weigh the highest I've EVER have.

This year I was diagnosed with ADHD, and I know people will say the best way to lose weight with ADHD is to get treated for it but that takes alot of trial and error and time. And these days it's been hard to get seen by my doctor and we're still figuring out what medication I need. And while all this is happening I'm still having a hard time controlling my impulses. Eating when I'm bored or a spur of the moment midnight snack. Having trouble remembering to count my calories or weigh my foods. I've even tried setting alarms but as soon as I snooze or dismiss them it's just gone from my mind. I've recently bought new running shoes to try and be more active but my shins and heels start hurting after a short time of activity (Usually I try and push through it but it takes me out for days).

I just really want tips maybe, in controlling all of this impulse and having more self discipline. What can I do?

submitted by /u/larsthethrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

