
Is it okay if you don't eat after weight training?

Hello everyone I'm 5'8 weighing 90kgs, I have been doing IF since last 3 weeks I have done it before for about 2 months. My goal is to be at 75kgs at the end of 6 months.

My strategy is: 1- IF 18:6 skipping dinner. 2pm to 8 am. 2- I start my day with 30-45 mins cardio in fasted state. Then I have 50% protein, 25 and 25 carbs and fats in breakfast. Drink some green tea. 3- Lunch at 1:45 pm usually steamed chicken with vegetables and yogurt. 4- At 9-pm head to gym for one hour of weighting training in catabolic state. I take green tea before going to gym. 5- sleep at 11 pm.

So I was wondering if this is the right process? And what happens when I don't take protein after my weight training session? Am I killing gains if I don't take protein directly after my workout. But I'm taking a lot of protein in my eating window. Let me know guys.

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/Gujjarent
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

