
I haven’t eaten any form of sugar in 5 days and lost 4lbs!!

Basically as the title says, I decided to cut any form of sugar out of my diet. No sweeteners, juices, cookies, honey, chocolate etc.. The only exception is if there’s traces of sugar in some sauces like sriracha, I just can’t give that up lol. I also decided to significantly decrease my intake of bread.

Initially, I decided to do this because I was more concerned about my eczema flare ups and wanted to see if it would help improve my skin. So far it has! I need more time to see how effective it has been though.

I was actively trying to lose weight a month ago, but I had to stop going to the gym because I was just too busy with college work. While I was going to the gym, I had reached 137lbs from initial 144lbs. I was still eating sugar during this period.

Yet during the span of only 5 days with no sugar, less carbs and not going to the gym, I went from 138lbs to 134lbs! I was genuinely shocked because my weight has never been this low before. I always struggled to get below 137. My appetite has also significantly decreased and I no longer have cravings for sweet foods.

Has anyone else experience anything similar to this after cutting sugar from their diet?

submitted by /u/FlyPrudent4292
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