
How to stop the weekly bingeing cycle? Details in post


F/29/5’4”/CW 169/GW 145/Eating 1500-1700 calories a day

I am at the point where I will have a lot of self control from Monday thru Friday and then get to the weekend and think to myself “omg I had to have so much self control I just want to relinquish all of this control” and then eat copious amounts of food and start from scratch. Or I will gain momentum for 3 weeks and then think “okay I’ve gained momentum I can chill out and have an entire sleeve of Oreos”

I feel like if I don’t have this control, I will be a hot mess the entire week and eat a ton of food and having self control is the only way to combat it.

Did anyone else have this mindset and if so, how did you combat it? Ideally, I would like to have the mindset of “it’s not about gaining momentum and chilling out, it’s a consistent lifestyle change,” but I am struggling so much with getting there. I would also like to be able to understand/amend the concept of control when it comes to eating and my health.

Any tips/suggestions? Thanks!

submitted by /u/daisydoll93
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