
days to my need of a major breakthrough x

88kgs and days away from my 27th birthday.

Ive been on this on and off journey since I was like 16. I loose the weight but its hard to maintain.

Sort of I struggle w a eating disorder. I just eat cause I sad...i eat, im anxious...i eat, im happy i eat. I just wallow it all by eating.

Its like im sufferring from an eating addiction.

Its gotten to a point where im just ashamed for social interactions, i self sabotage...its so fraustrating.

Its affected my job... i dont even care to go for an interview coz my achievements are overlooked by my weight. I also have a hard time managing stuff and doing the math

Just watched the tv show r/mom on alcholics and can identify as an overeater. i just need to let it all out.

Whats a reasonable amount of weight I can loose in this short amount of time??

submitted by /u/tyrianbubbles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

