
I just went through a gastric sleeve operation

And I am still a bit scared but I hope this will finally help after struggling for 6 years.

A bit to me if interested (you can skip it to the operation part) : I am 31 close to 32 married living in germany My current weight is 140 (the last known number) And I am 182cm high

I gained my weight after a sinus pilu idarios operation (kinda a zist on top of my tailbone?) I was bedridden for a year and I did not change my eating habits (bad decision) i gained 80kg in weight and funnily enough I barely realized it maybe I was just in denial and thought I would easialy lose it after I am back up to work again. Fast forward the decision.

What I have done to lose weight: Military sport academy for 3 Month (lost 10 kg got it back pretty fast) Various diets (lost around 60kg got back around 20 thoes worked somehow the best) Stop drinking soda and everything sweet (I failed so hard it worked for a month or 2 at times but it never stuck) Sport lota of sports (did basically nothing unless you count my ability to run a marathon with 140kg without a real problem as something, oh yeah I can also do the german sport badge (in gold) and drive with my bicycle for a good 300km back an forth on a 6 day trip so yeah fat guy is now good at sport but still fat)

I asked for help here it did help a Lot of ppl where so helpful but saddly i just couldn't not beat the all tearing hunger again and again it was litterally driving me insane. I wake up at night and feel so hungry that it hurts. Something was wrong and I knew it.

The pre Operation days: Went to a doc in Berlin told him my problems he checked me up they looked at my colon and my stomache through a camera, she told me my stomache was really big that is also why my Hunger was this strong. She gave me 30 more years maybe less in my current situation before my weight will affect my ability to life to such a degree that it will hurt not only me but my family. She told me about weight loosing operation "Gastric sleeve" was one of them and the one she prefeered since it was the most "Natural" one. I thought about it for a couple of days and agreed to it.

Psychological tests Fitness checks Pre operation check ups Sleep laboratory

Everything was green for the operation and I had the date late august (a week ago from this post)

Post Operation: Its been a week now they took more than 1.4 Liters of stomache out of me. I am left with onky 200ml now, the hunger is completely gone nit even a whisp of it. The pain after the operation and the following days was extreme but painkiller helped (I was under Morphium for nearly 1 day post op) I am free of strong pain meds currently it still hurts my meal are never more than maximum 5 tee spoons of luiquid food 3 times a day the rest is water.

After thoughts: I think I did the right thing and I am willing to update my progress if anyone is interested in it the next week will be extremely hard especially when I move back home tomorrow with food and preparing and work.

But again I think I did the right thing.

submitted by /u/RedScaledOne
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