
Am I alone in this experience?

Hi! I started my weight loss journey on July 11th and I have lost 9 pounds so far by eating in a calorie deficit, going on daily walks and weight lifting 2 times a week. Anyways…I generally try to eat clean/healthy but sometimes it’s not reasonable (like when you’re going to your parents house and they ordered pizza) so I always look up the food ahead of time and “pre-portion” what will fit into my calories before going there. Well my mom knows i’m on a diet and when I went to get my 1 piece of pizza and 2 breadsticks she freaked out and started apologizing for not getting “something healthy” so I told her that the pizza was fine and tried to explain how CICO works but I don’t think she got it. I’m pretty sure she just thinks I gave up on my diet lol. Has anyone else has this happen? I just wish I could scream at people “YOU CAN EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST DON’T EAT TOO MUCH OF IT AND YOU WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT”

submitted by /u/throwaway2022888
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

