
I reached a new goal, coworkers noticed, so I self destructed.

I reached a new low weight of exactly 50lbs lost since I started in January, and it happened to coincide with me getting my haircut on Saturday two weeks ago.

I go into work on Monday in a tight dress, which is pretty normal for me cause even being fat I like tighter dresses usually and the first coworker notices as I walk in next to her.

“You’ve lost weight haven’t you? You’ve got great legs!” And I was happy with that, I love that colleague and I said thank you and she asked a few questions then said congrats. And I felt good after that one.

But then the second colleague noticed.

“Oh wow, you’ve lost weight! How much? Oh congratulations, keep it up!” And I thought that one felt good, if a bit embarrassing answering her questions in the office.

But when the third colleague noticed, congratulating me and asking questions, I was just going past to go to the loo so I mumbled a thanks, and I felt horrible. I’m looking in the mirror and I can’t see why they’ve just noticed, I still look fat and blobby, why did I wear a skintight dress? Is it just because I cut my hair they noticed?

So for the last two weeks, after work, I have been binging. Massive binges that have cleared out my bank account before payday today. I just couldn’t stand the comments, but I don’t know why. The attention from the first one made me all warm and fuzzy but now I feel gross. Yesterday, when I turned down a donut, my colleague turned to another and said “isn’t she doing good?” and I know they’re trying to be supportive but it just breaks my brain.

So here I am, two weeks after my lowest weight, having gained 8lbs.

submitted by /u/amaiem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

