
I have literally no self control. Do I need mental health help? Or am I just weak?

So yeah I (26F, 240lbs, 5'4) have everything I would need to start my weight loss journey. I always told myself that when I get the scale or the right kitchen gadget or a better job to buy good groceries that I would be in a perfect place to lose weight and now I have all of that and I'm still not eating the way I know I'm suppose to. How do I change? Was anybody here in my position??? What eventually got you up and going in your journey??

Do I just need therapy? Is it some kind of mental block? I know I shouldn't feel this way but I hate my body. I really do. People always say you should love yourself enough to lose weight but right now I'm on the train of hating myself and wanting to lose weight. I cannot find the beauty in how I look. I'm embarrassed. And still I do nothing. Every time I get sad about my weight I go eat lol.

Any advice other than suck it up and just start?

submitted by /u/Severe_Football7224
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

