
Exercise tips for heart condition?

Hello! I'm kind of new so forgive me if this is a weird post for here. So I've been very on/off with weight loss attempts for a couple of years now, and I run into the same problem every time.

Tldr I developed hypotension after malnutrition and surgery in high school, it stuck with me ever since (I'm 25 now). It used to be so bad I would go into near shock just from showering. It got better now but it definitely killed my stamina for any physical activity.

Everywhere suggests cardio for weight loss but I literally go into hypotension shock if my heart goes above a fast-walking range. I went to the gym once and someone working there tried to push me for an hour, I had to lie down on the floor on the spot because I was going to throw up or faint or both, like my vision literally went dark and I couldn't see and couldn't hear from the ringing in my ears. Needless to say I never went to a fucking gym again.

I'm not too overweight but I have about 15-20kgs to lose. I don't know how to exercise enough to lose it. Is there anyone here with a similar condition that has any tips?

submitted by /u/throwaway4523567
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