
Body shape changing but no scale changes. What’s happening?

If anything I have gained weight. I thought that maybe I was gaining muscle, but not according to my scale which checks bmi.

I have been changing my habits over a long period of time. Eating healthier. Less sugar, less fat. I quit drinking alcohol and soda, or really any sugary drinks for the most part. I do “cheat” occasionally, but they aren’t the norm.

I’ve made all these changes that people say cause them to drop weight and I haven’t. In fact, over the last 2 years I’ve gained back the weight that I had lost.

But nonetheless my clothes fit better, my body looks better. I have a more defined waist. My breasts used to flop all over and now I could practically go without a bra. By droopy, pudgy abdomen is…less.

Does anybody know why these changes would be taking place? Perhaps more collagen in my body so things are tighter? Just wondering.

submitted by /u/Namelessdracon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

