
6'6 440 pds. tips?

I'm a 6'6 440 pd person. Now, I've been working out consistently for the past 7-months. 5-6 times in the gym ( bi+tris, shoulders, back, chest, legs.) And utilize Orange theory as my conditioning 3x a week.( a high intensity cardio program). I've lost 20 pds and it looks like I've lost a lot ( also people around me say that as well) but I feel I need to be losing more since I'm 33 and during this time hurt my ankle, pulled my calf and strained my back. I think it's due to being so big and doing all these things that cause these issues.eating habits are decent ( high protein, low sugars) check my blood, no issues and no danger of diabetes blood pressure is normal. Doctor says it could ne due to my samoan heritage is that losing fat is harder.any insight?

submitted by /u/AdBig7684
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