
Please critique my workout routine

This is probably a very normal question, but me and my friends are somewhat new to working out (4 months). I don't remember where I got it from, but it is the routine we have been doing for maybe 2 months now and I am wondering if it's any good. It is a modified PPL routine starting with Pull.

Pull: Pull-ups, Barbell Row, Seated Cable Row, Reverse Machine Flies, Cable curl and Spider Curls

Push: Bench Press, Overhead Press, Incline Bench Press, Cable Flies, Cable Lateral Raises and Tricep Pushdown

Legs: Deadlift, Squat, Leg Press, Leg Curl, Leg Extension, Dumbbell Lateral Raises, Skull crushers superset with Close-grip Bench (ez bar)



I also do some sort of calves and abs after the workouts.

We do sets of 3 and mostly 8-12 reps trying to apply progressive overload, the reps are lower on deadlift, squats and bench press.

So, is this routine okay or not.

I am 5'9 158 lbs., training for a mixture of aesthetics and strength.


submitted by /u/SpinachNo7789
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