
How I lost 60lb & how I'm going to do it again

I thought this might be a fairly helpful post for some people, hopefully including me!

So let's go back to the start. In August 2019 I weighed 227lb (F27, 5ft 4, single mum of two). By August 2020 I'd lost 60lb! Yay me!

I did this by:

• Walking loads. Everywhere I could, at every opportunity. • Eating slowly and really paying attention to when I felt satisfied. Not FULL. Satisfied. • Drinking 2-3l of water a day. • Carefully choosing what I wanted to eat. Eg, if I went to McDonalds, instead of getting a meal I would evaluate what I was craving the most (eg the fries) and just get that & a Diet Coke. • Making sure at least 1/3 of my meals were veg. • I had a weight loss buddy to keep me accountable. • Telling people I'd "gone off" chocolate/crisps, or that "for some reason" I was really craving an apple or watermelon or whatever. Psychologically, saying this out loud made a huge difference. I'd basically just randomly slip this into conversation - also it works surprisingly well as small talk! "How are you?" "Yeah I'm good! But randomly craving an apple." Then you'd be surprised how a conversation just flows from that!

Then in Sept 2020 it all went wrong.... I started on meds that made me balloon and since my weight was spiralling anyway I went back to junk food. I went back to work (lockdown lifted in the UK) and I couldn't go out for walks all the time & my youngest wouldn't go in her pram anymore so when I did walk it was at a snails pace. I slipped into depression and my motivation for anything/everything disappeared. I fell out with my weight loss buddy.

Now I weigh 280lb - Oops...

So it's time for me to stop making excuses for my weight and make the necessary steps to sort this out!

I'm starting by calorie counting (aiming for <1400 but allowing my self up to 2k for a few weeks while I ease into it), cutting out takeaways and increasing my water - baby steps! I'm also reintroducing my last step about saying out loud that I've "gone off" junk food & craving fruit!

And then when I've lost enough to 'feel' a bit more comfortable, I will reintroduce as much walking as I can fit in around work & the kids.

If there's anyone else here who lost & regained a lot of weight and is starting from scratch, please do reach out! It's always good to have accountability buddies!

submitted by /u/zoomziezoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

