
How do I get myself used to exercise?

I really wish I have the body that I had in 2019. Back then I had training that lasted 4-5 hours which consisted of 1-2 hr running, 20-30 laps of suicides, tricep training, and more. I was a student athlete, hence the training.

Covid hit and it turned me into—well, this. I’m weighing almost a hundred kilos standing at 5’5.

July 2020 was the last time I ever jogged for real. And now I can’t even do that anymore because I’ve gotten lazy.

I plan on using just the treadmills at the gym next to my house, as I’m not interested on lifting (fat burning is my main goal), but knowing myself I’d probably tell myself to just stop. How do I prevent that thinking? How do I get myself used to exercising again?

If it serves any relevance, I’m 5’5 and a 21 year old transman (not on hrt).

submitted by /u/VirginnBuster
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

