
210lbs --> 130lbs (23 / M / 5'9) 6.8% Body Fat. The Cut Is Complete 100 100 100

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

My entire life I've wanted this. It's a strange feeling to actually get here. To love myself inside & out. I hate to assign that much value to my own physical appearance, I should be less vain. Regardless, I have a confidence now that I never had before. Girls talk to me now. It's cool. I can't remember how I even started if I'm being completely honest. It was 2020 and it was cold. Somewhere around Christmas time by my best guess. Maybe this all started as a new years resolution or something. Anyhow, here's a rough breakdown of how I did it. Feel free to ask questions. This would never have been possible without the help of the countless men & women who have put their experiences online for me to learn from so now I'll do some giving back with what information I have to give.


I will preface by saying that this is probably not healthy and I cannot advise anyone to follow this meal plan but this is what I ate every single day for the past year and a half and I'm not joking. It's an extremely easy diet to follow for me because there's no cooking involved at all, it's practically effortless, but the macronutrients work out. There were 5 separate things I would eat every single day (plus a multivitamin and fish oil) in no particular order, mixing & matching, etc. Just centering protein intake around the time of a workout. Anyhow, here is my daily food intake:

  1. Met Rx Protein Bar - 410 Calories - 32g Protein
  2. CLIF Builder Bar - 290 Calories - 20g Protein
  3. Protein Powder - 280 Calories - 60g Protein
  4. Ramen - 380 Calories - 9g Protein (My enjoyment meal of the day, not for nutrition)
  5. Chobani Yogurt - 120 Calories - 15g Protein

#4 is often substituted for Noosa yogurt, other yogurts, anything 400 calories or under

Total Daily Intake: 1480 Calories & 136g Protein

I live a very sedentary lifestyle. Work from home, don't go out with friends, don't go anywhere, don't do anything. So 1480 calories per day wasn't extremely steep of a deficit for me since I am terribly inactive.


Simple on-off-on-off schedule alternating full upper body days (Day A) with leg & ab days (Day B)

So if A is upper body & B is lower body + abs, my training schedule would look like this

A - OFF - B - OFF - A - OFF - B - OFF

Upper body then rest, lower + abs then rest. Rinse repeat. Here is a further breakdown of exactly what an upper body / lower body day would currently. All exercises are done to failure. Don't laugh at my weak lifts, I'm literally under 130lbs lol.

Upper Body


Pullups - 12 reps

Chest Press (Like bench press but on the floor): - 110lbs x 7 reps

Laying Down Tricep Reverse Curl: (Idk the name of this): - 25lbs x 8 reps each arm

OHP: One arm at a time - 35lbs x 6 reps each arm

Bent Over Dumbbell Lat Pull Row - 75lbs x 8 reps each side

Dumbbell Curls - 30lbs x 6 reps

Tricep Overhead Lift - 30lbs x 6 reps

Wide Grip Pullups: 7

Chinups: 4

Pushups: 12

Lower Body


My lower body workouts were terribly unorganized and always have been. I have never kept track of reps & weights as far as writing them down goes for my legs & abs. But generally it would be something along the lines of things

Lunges - 120lbs - 2 Sets - 6-8 Reps

Calf Raises - 60lbs - 8-10 Reps

Hanging Leg Raises - 4-6 Reps

Lying Down Leg Raises - 8-10 Reps

Goblet Squat? (idk name) - 60lbs - 6-8 Reps

Weighted Crunches - 30lbs - 6-8 Reps


I feel better now about myself. The loves I've lost will always haunt me but at least I'm hot now. It was worth every bit of dedication it took to get here in the end. Feel free to ask any questions & I'll do my best to answer & help however I can.

submitted by /u/Bushido_Brown2918
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

