
NSV: I tracked my food for over 100 days!

Hi everyone,

I have been on a weightloss journey for what feels like my whole life, but it never worked for me until the beginning of 2020. I lost about 25 lbs/14kg in that year but gained a lot of it back in 2021. At the beginning of the 2022 I saw a post here about counting how many Calories you saved up til one big goal. So I set a goal for 2022 (100000 kcal) and got tracking. It works really well, with a small deficit of 300 kcal a day and it feels sustainable. But now for the NSV: I have always used Lifesum to track my food, and it seems they added an option to have a "Tracking Streak". I never paid much attention, but yesterday evening I looked it up and was suprised that I tracked over 100 days! 108 to be exact.

It makes sense, since I have been tracking since January, but seeing the number made me realize it and made me really proud of myself :)

I wish everyone the best of days! Here is to another 100 days of tracking!

submitted by /u/Jismina
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

