
weight loss journey???

hi! so i’m (20F/305lbs) thinking of finally starting a weight loss journey and i don’t really know where to start. ever since i was a little kid i was overweight and my parents had me working out with them and on and off diets from 8-17. my parents would push me to workout to the extent of even if i fell and cried, they would still tell me to keep going. living like that for a really long time, i developed an eating disorder and some sort of trauma towards working out. recently, i’ve been wanting to strive towards working out and eating better for health reasons, but i find it really hard, especially since i still live with one of my parents and am constantly berated for the way i look and my lack of exercise. i guess i’m looking for advice on how to start working out and eating better without going down an ED rabbit hole nor having bad memories come up with my past relationship with exercise.

sorry if this was a lot to read and thanks to anyone that helps!

submitted by /u/thursdaygjrl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

