
Feeling lost and sad. High LDL

I am 32 year old male, 5’8 weighting 182 lbs. For the last year I have been constant in the gym 5 times a week hitting heavy weights and cardio. Starting to see my 6 pack again and I have been feeling the best since high school. I am the healthiest eater in my circle of friends and family, I eat lots of vegetables, fish, chicken, turkey, brow rice etc. I also Drink wine/beer on off days from gym which are 1-2 days a week and occasional pasta, steak, and whatnot.

For my curiosity I went and got a blood work done to see where I stood. I was surprised and sad to find out my numbers.

Total Cholesterol 254

Triglycerides 129

HDL 46

LDL 185

My doctor did not seem to worried and only told me to take fish oil and Niacin and that we will retest in 3 months. He did mention he is only worried about LDL number, and for me not to worry at all and let him worry.

I have removed alcohol, simple carbs, and red meat 110% from my diet. I eat only vegetables, fruits, oats, and good fats (avocados, nuts, evoo)

I am afraid I will not be able to enjoy life again and am worried I am not eating correctly by completely eliminating things that were once my normal life, despite feeling healthy.

I dont want this number to completely control me.

submitted by /u/Conscious_Advice1644
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