
Work tires me and I can't stop eating, help???

Hi guys~ so I'm currently 18 and working in an office to save money for college. This is my first job and even though the first week had me running around all day now I'm mostly sitting in front of a computer. For the record I was severly overweight until 3 years ago when a medical condition made me lose a lot of it very quickly, so yeah I might be a bit obsessive when it comes to how I look. I haven't weighed myself in a year now because I'm always scared, but I can feel when I'm heavier and the mirror shows it clearly. My weight isn't unhealthy but I wanna stop gaining more because it'll affect my mental health. So yeah sorry for the long intro but I really need advice on how to maintain my energy and stay in the shape I am. Thank you for reading btw<3

submitted by /u/kurotsukihime
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