
One month in, 1kg down!

So happy I’m making progress without starving myself!

Been fluctuating with my weight a lot, I would do crash diets and lose weight but gained back because it wasn’t sustainable, never exercised much, but this year I decided to change my lifestyle!

Have so far lost 1kg in the past month, definitely slow but at least steady and sustainable! Excited to lose even more in the coming months!

What I've been doing so far:

  • mix of 1hour cardio (low to moderate intensity walk/jog) or 30mins dumbbells/strength training exercises (5-6 days a week)
  • around 1500 kcal per day (according to TDEE calc, my maintenance is 1700kcal) - i'm also watching my macros (C:P:F 40:30:30) and try to eat as much veggies as I could!

I would spend more time on exercising, but I don't have much free time currently. Will be graduating in May so maybe then I will take some time off to focus more on exercising!

But please feel free to let me know if you have any suggestion on anything that I could improve on!

Will be updating by the end of the year! ☺️

Weight Graph

submitted by /u/Certain-Ad8007
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

