
My dad told me I won't get a job at my current weight

21F, 350lbs, 5'10.

My dad decided to try and "help" me lose weight. He did this by yelling at me not to eat a piece of pizza and blaming my mom for bringing it in the house. He told me I get bigger every time he turns around and that I used to be beautiful. He claims he is helping me by giving me tough love. I am appalled that he said I wouldn't get hired anywhere the way I look because I look lazy. I am hurt by this and he seems to think I don't know I am fat. He isn't saying anything I don't mull over in my head almost every minute of every day. I feel like a prisoner in my own home so much that I want to leave and stay with a friend. He will yell at me if he doesn't deem the food I'm eating as "healthy". He claims he is doing this because my weight keeps him awake at night. I don't know how to keep my thoughts organized on here because I feel drained talking about him.

submitted by /u/yojodavies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

