
Calorie counting vs. Plant based

So I had a convo with someone that if you want to loose weight without counting calories you have to eat a plant based diet. Now while I do agree it’s definitely easier Because your eating low calorie dense food but I still think you can over eat or/and use items not “plant based”l like oils, nuts etc that can add something to the meal that does not help you loose. Now one of the things I say is first if you are already eating a plant based diet and doing it successfully your not talking about loosing weight your eating that way cause that’s just how you eat and or other things besides weight or weight is a secondary. The other person stands true to it and again I agree but I do think it’s all depending on the sustainability of the person.

If your eating plant based and your goal Is to loose weight how do you track how much your intaking in order to know the weight your loosing? Also once you do meet your goal weight how do you know how to maintain that weight? All without looking at calories.

There no way your eating straight veggies and fruits all day 7 days a week, your using other things to make meals and snack that I assume add to your caloric intake but if it’s doesn’t really matter how do you track or know that info?

submitted by /u/MuscleGoals2022
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

