
weight loss while on birth control and psych meds?

I just took a progress pic bc I wanna start things off right this time. I have the nexplanon implant in and I take 4 different psych meds everyday. in the past 4 years I've gained 60 pounds. my lowest weight being 140, my highest weigh being 200 pounds, which is where I am now. I don't know which factor plays the biggest part in my weight gain. but I know as a combination, it didn't make for good results, and I know things will be harder on my during this change in myself because of this, but I still want to make some changes. I haven't thought about taking out my birth control bc with it in I have no periods, which I prefer, not only bc of the obvious, but bc it helps with mood regulation. if you have had experiences with this what was it like for you? any advice in general I can heed? how do I make the necessary changes to achieve my goals? what would you do in my situation? I bought some running shoes but they're still too tight so I have to return them again but I'll get running soon. what would you do in my situation? feel free to ask any questions. thanks.

submitted by /u/steakoutwhoa
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