
Recipes with calories/macros listed

Hi everyone!

Last year I did Keto for two months and pretty much only cooked recipes I found on DietDoctor or on Keto Focus. Keto went well for me, I both saw and felt results and got an insane surge of energy, but randomly just completely crashed around the 2 month mark. The way keto is pretty restrictive was also not great for my mental health, so I decided to just try and develop healthier dietary habits that would work for me long term instead of just during my weightloss. What I liked with these two sites was that I could find a recipe, scale it down to 1 or 2 portions and then get the macros for the meal directly - I didn't personally have to weigh and calculate the calories myself, which helped me tremendously with planning my meals. Does anyone have any good suggestions/resources for where I can find recipes with this kind of information? Recipes that aren't keto since I don't do that anymore, but instead healthy/balanced/filling meals/snacks. I get so obsessive over numbers when I try to count calories myself, which just leads to me restricting and then binging, which is why I try to avoid having to do it myself. TIA for the help, I would really appreciate it!

submitted by /u/thehobbit9402
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

