
Over compensating with weights of your food is going to get you into trouble

After losing 4.5stone I started maintaining my weight from about October to now, realising I’d slipped back into some usual habits of mine. For example: not weighing my portions out of either pure confidence or sometimes greed.

Meaning the deficit I was in at the end of my days (usually 1,500/2,000cal) wasn’t actually what I thought. I soon realised I was wasting the saviour of around 200calories each meal just because I couldn’t be bothered getting the scales or because “another handful of pasta wouldn’t hurt”.

In reality, and over time, the extra handfuls and portion sizes I was having was more effecting my relationship with food and my restrictions just vanished. Then before I knew it I was back to eating chocolate/sweets before bed, frequent unhealthier options, etc etc.

It isn’t just about the counting of calories or checking your weight every week/month. Like.. everything comes into play. Like structure, boundaries, knowledge/education on the foods you are eating and exercise you are doing.

It’s a genuine life time investment and lifestyle change- not a short snappy plan.

submitted by /u/peorgiagennington
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

