
I’m feeling so frustrated. I told my girlfriend I want to go back to losing weight, and she got my a giant box of 84 Ferraro Roché chocolates for Christmas.

I love my girlfriend, she’s incredibly sweet, and she loves me and my body just the way I am. She tries to be supportive of me losing weight, but then she does crap like this, or gets me high calorie snacks when she’s at the story, or gets me alcohol. I don’t think she’s trying to sabotage me, but I don’t think she realizes how hard this is for me. I struggled for a decade with binge eating and purging. I’ve tried talking to her about it, but I don’t think she gets it. No matter how much I try to explain. Since losing weight four years ago, I have never gained it back, until now. I lost 55lbs, and now have gained back about 11. Between a relationship, and covid, and everything else it doesn’t sound like much weight, but it’s killing me and making me hate myself. I can feel myself relapsing into old dangerous habits, and I don’t know how to make my girlfriend understand that I appreciate her kind gesture, and that she knows those are my favorite candies, but I cannot have them in my house or they will haunt me.

Sorry for the rambling, I haven’t slept properly in a few days, and I’m incredibly frustrated right now and don’t know how to make someone I love dearly understand that their attempt at a kind gesture hurt me.

submitted by /u/_sekhmet_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

