
I need help to get back on track to lose 90 lbs.

Hey everyone! This year as been really stressful. I had lost 35 lbs. out of my 90 lbs goal. (Starting at 285 lbs and wanting to reach 190 lbs), keep in mind I'm a 24 yr old guy at a height of 6'1. Since then I have gained it all back. Due to living at my moms place, since she buys high calorie food. Now I'm at my dad's and working towards getting my own place again. So that temptation isn't nearly as intense as before. Now I need to get back on track asap! I need motivation, resources, tips, advice, basically anything I can get from people with a history of successful weight loss. Thanks!

submitted by /u/msnlgn117
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

