
60 lbs down, what’s working for me

  1. Log weight every day in My Fitness Pal app. I can see that since the spring I’ve averaged 1.5-2 lb losses each week. And seeing the progress charts totally helps motivate me.

  2. Running or walking/hiking (with my big dog) and tracking the time in Map My Run app so I can keep track of how long it’s been since I’ve logged, and can think about ‘why’ if it’s been more than a couple days (to figure out how to correct the trend).

  3. I keep an online spreadsheet (accessible via phone) with 5 columns: week ending date, projected weight, motivational events/targets (e.g. anniversary dinner date, New Year’s Eve, birthdays), notes, probable/estimated clothing size. I know that (based on my record) I can target a 2 lb loss each week. I check it at least every week, adjust for actuals (I’ve only had to adjust the projections once), and add any notes think I think are important to remember. Having the motivational stuff listed is soooooooooo helpful. Literally I put in (based on the calculated projected weight) when I can be a size 8 again, and fit back into my wedding ring. This is huge. I find myself making up stuff just to have more motivation.

  4. Intermittent fasting. I really just can’t believe how well this works. I skip breakfast, that’s basically the extent of it.

  5. I’m keeping a storage bin (two now) in my closet to ‘retire’ the big clothes as they become too big (or just donating). Getting shit out of my closet (and house) is wonderfully cleansing.

  6. Having a list of ‘weight loss rewards’ that I feel ok treating myself to at 10 lb milestones. May not be real fancy or expensive (eg a new sweater in a smaller size), but something to reward is really helpful, too. Matter of fact, I should add this to my spreadsheet (3).

  7. Every night I wear headphones to bed (they make Bluetooth sleeping ones) and find a ‘sleep hypnosis for weight loss’ video on YouTube. There are tons out there, I just pick something to listen to every night. I’m asleep in minutes but think maybe a message is getting across while I sleep. Hopefully they’re not telling me to commit crimes or anything.

Just wanted to share!

Link to my earlier post - still holds true.

submitted by /u/anxiousDCmom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

