
I've lost 10 pounds since September 26th, and I've started a more physical job :) (271lbs to 260lbs)

Around September 26th, I weighed 271lbs on the scale. Today, I'm 260. I've only recently started my journey back up again, and I got a lot of my old equipment back (scales, some dumb bells, yoga mat), so I'm super excited.

Also I have a job where I now walk a lot and have amazing benefits that I've never had before like wtf it seems too good to be true. So that means I can start taking care of my mind and spirit more alongside my body.

Idk about yall, but it is really hard for me when I have my really bad depressive episodes. I have not been attending to my mental health--never really have. Now, I have the money/benefits, too, which will likely aid me in wanting to be healthier physically. I can see a nutritionist possibly too. It's opened up a lot of opportunities I never thought I'd have. I can also afford to go to the gym whenever I become comfortable or fitness classes, which is a huge bonus.

It's funny how when some of the social determinants of health are enhanced, how you can begin increasing quality of life. It isn't just the money. It's really the health insurance. I can finally see an OBGYN about this PCOS and figure out more about my nutrition, prevent insulin resistance, etc.. idek man. Makes me want to cry happily tho. Just gonna try not to overwork myself tho.

Anyway, thanks for listening to this minor victory. I've been stuck at this weight for a while, so to see me break, even a little mark, was really something.

submitted by /u/musicdrunky
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

