
getting fit for the military after high school

Hi, currently I'm a junior in high school, I recently turned 17 and I have 1.5 years until I go to University, however, I am planning to attend an ROTC program while in university. I used to be very skinny (5'6 117lb in 2019) but I gained a dramatic amount of weight during the pandemic, and I am struggling to get fit. Right now I am 5'6 and nearly 180lb. I am struggling to do more than 3 pushups while I could've done significantly more when I weighed less (maybe around 15 or so in 1 minute). Advice from military veterans or current active duty would be much appreciated for someone who is starting from rock bottom

My goal weight for my current height would be 120lb-135lb

submitted by /u/stranded_patriot
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